We are so excited to have you joining us! If you want to get started on your own before then, by all means do so! This website program is set up for you to complete on your own time, at your own pace, and convenience.
A few housekeeping items…
1) Make sure you are in our private FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2028229570669529/ we will be coaching you in the group live, answering questions and holding you accountable to participate!
2) You can access the 6-Week Virtual Glutes Academy program at: https://inmotionsmj.com/courses/the-virtual-glutes-academy/
3) Make sure to get set up for the 30-Day Challenge by taking your pics, taking measurements, etc–we will be sharing more about this in the FB group this week, but read through the information about doing it at the link above.
4) Make sure turn on the notifications in the FB group so you get daily information, updates, etc
5) We’d love to see you share your progress, what you’re learning, etc. via social media–make sure to tag us (InMotion Spine Muscle Joint) and (sheSTRENGTH By Anna Woods Fitness) in your posts/stories.
Introduce yourselves in the FB group under the designated post, and we will see you soon!
Anna Woods, ACE-CPT, BMES
Dr. Jared Shoemaker, DC