Virtual Abs LIVE!




Attend a Hands-On LIVE Virtual Abs Academy Course!

Attend our most popular course hands-on!! We will work through all the exercises in the 30-Day Virtual Abs Course, together.

FINALLY!! Learn how to get the core strength and ab definition you are lacking, DESPITE your best efforts with doing 1000’s of crunches, planks, and V-up’s.

You have the option to attend:

  1. Class Only $55 (if already an abs Academy member)
  2. Attend the class and get an eBook print $65
  3. ….or also get everything!! The virtual course, the eBook, and attend the hands-on course. $75

Dates to Attend:



LIVE Abs Academy

Hands-On Course

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Class Option(Required)
Price: $0.00
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