Our Services

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment, or joint manipulation, is a hands-on application that restores proper motion to restricted or fixated joints.

Dry needling

Dry needling is extremely effective at relaxing muscular trigger points, decreasing inflammation, promoting tissue healing, and improving overall muscular tension and tightness.

Graston Technique℗

Soft tissue release and Graston Technique℗: uses hand-held instruments to treat scar tissue adhesions, muscle and tendon dysfunction. Can restore function in chronic and acute injuries, pre and post-surgical patients. To learn more: www.graston.com


Cupping is beneficial for lifting and decompressing the layers of skin and tissue, to improve blood flow, lymph drainage, nerve and muscle tightness.

Cold Laser

Cold laser is a low level laser that is beneficial for acute injuries and chronic pain. It reduces pain, decreases inflammation and swelling, and speeds up cellular regeneration for faster tissue healing.


DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) is a diagnosis and treatment technique based on neurodevelopment that allows for rapid resolution of tightness, pain and dysfunction. Dr. Shoemaker is the ONLY certified DNS practitioner and exercise trainer in Kansas. To learn more: www.rehabps.com


Functional Rehabilitation enables identification of the key link leading to injury, not just the injured tissue. Few physical therapists and chiros are equipped to assess and rehab in this way. Our combination of chiropractic care and functional rehab is superior to physical therapy alone.


Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that balances the flow of energy to activate the bodies’ natural healing and pain reducing processes.


Vitamins and Supplements: Anti-inflammatory nutrition and vitamin supplementation is key to reducing diet-induced chronic inflammation, disease processes, and pain.

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